Saturday, October 27, 2012

Key To The Garden : ' Your Time Is Up ! '

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three old friends discussing nothing less then billions of ringgits, last wednesday night. 
what a way to celebrate my 68th birthday! ......
one marhein nearly broke plumber, one millionaire and another a probable billionaire.
we discussess many issues.

ku nan had collected more than 900 million ringgit over his chequered career as an amenu sec general or was he their treasurer?
2 million rm, he opined publicly, is just loose change to him. lucky bloke this chap, ku nan.
in kelantan, we called people like him, tengku hari jumaat....if you are born on malam jumaat some parents either give yo a 'tengku' or a 'sayyid'.

tdm's  family , alledged with a myriad labyrinthine of nominess and etc and etc, how many billions, we don't will remain  a paradox to millions of us

the former neac chairman, with business empire straddling several continents, we all dont know his net worth..
even the  the late lowly ex ambassador to usa had well passed 1 billion rm!

there are all brilliant business people and political figures all in one!
but if allah asks any one of them to see HIM tomorrow , are they ready?
......for that matter, are we ready?

nik howk

Death is a taboo subject for all.
Yet, in a well-known tradition of the Prophet, remembering  death often, forms one of the most  important elements
to 'spur' as to 'jannah'.....a ' Key To The Garden '. 

It is a panacea for heedlessness; extreme love for things material; and corruption, both in the 'private' and  much worse, in the 'public' domain. 

In the private domain, corruption involve self and at the most, the 'family'. The principal players are uncontrolled 'naf' and excesssive love of the world.In the public domain, invariably it is lust for the world and properties; and 'fitnah' of the loved ones;wanting to leave their offsprings with the 'dunia' that would last for seven generations etc and etc. Thus children, wives are 'fitnah' to us if we are not careful....... 

These people  incurred  more damage to society and the effects are more serious and far reaching. It affect the whole fabric of society, and  cause 'paralysis and malaise' from top to bottom of society as the disease is 'infectious' and spread both vertically, spiraling downwards,  as well as side-way. 

But alas! ,We see much of this,too often, in the so-called Muslim world we live in, [ within the Arab and the non-Arab countries ], blatant lack of accountability among the ruling political  and economic elites, the shakers and movers of societies.... Daylight 'robberies'  of public funds and outright shameless 'public looting'. This, unfortunately, has, by an large, become the norm rather than the exception in the third world countries which are predominantly 'Islamic' in demography. 

This blatant lack of remembrance of death, and accountability that come immediately after that, is one of the major root cause of this current epidemic of heedlessness amongst our political, ruling, and economic elites.........

These clowns think, like Jews of Moses time, since they are Muslims, they are thus insulated from being thrown into the ignominy of 'Hell'! 
How very superficially misguided can they be!!

Let us all listen to Mufti Ismail Menk, and, insyaallah, draw some lessons and understanding......

Mufti Ismail Menk of Zimbabawe, on ' YOUR TIME IS UP ! "
Part 1 :
Part 2 :

Fresh Catch from " Pearls & Gem " :-

1. Expiry Date
2. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly......
3. Young Deaths
4. Man Rabbuka

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