Thursday, December 20, 2018

Before We Move On To Surah al Maarij, 70..........Shaykh Khalid Yasin ,.' Are You Prepared? '

friends, dato and tansri,

' are you prepared ', asked shaykh khalid yasin, 'for the day when nukar and nakir stoop over you in your two feet by six feet hole in the ground, towering over you menacingly, asking ,  

' man rabbuka! nabiuka!!..... '

frankly even if allah give me another 4 score and 10, i will never be prepared for that tumultuous day of infamy. 
i  always pray that i will be judged on mercy rather than on the basis of justice. but that is judgment day, a day preceeded by 50, 0000 ' earth years ' of standing in padang mahsyar, drowned in our own sweat and tears!

here we are talking of  our early days in alam barzakh......perhaps millenniums away from padang mahsyar.

shaykh khalid yasin,  ' are you prepared ? ',

[   ]

if we were to meet at- tabi'in, tuan guru al hasan al basri....his winning formulla for happiness, both in this world and the next is encapsulated in a ' trinity ' of:

qur'an, reading with comprehension.

[ ]

a century after hasan and many centuries that follow, hundreds and thousands of  souls,  from ibnu athaillah al iskandari; imam ghazali, imam nawawi, shaykh abdal qadir al jilani, sofyan at tsauri; and thousands others, transformed souls right up to present day shaykhs and tok gurus, tok kenali, wali songo etc etc and etc;.. all echoed hasan's  sentiment.

they  further expended his trinity formulla to SOP's for souls like us all who were and are floating about with indifference and ghaflah [  interpreted as in varying degrees of heedlessness ], to effect change in our hearts.

heart is the central of all change.
even the zen buddhists knew this very well
just last year i visited an old temple in old city kyoto and i found scrawled on one of the old wooden wall there, " when your heart change, the whole world around you change.."

towards effecting such change, these souls came up with these following SOP's for the wayfarers:


2.  on repentance...

3.  still on repentance, mahasabah and regret

4.  contemplation and remembrance

5.  on sabr and shukr

6. on tawakkul, trust in allah

from amongst several dozen of attributes.
early scholars like ismail al ansari quoted and discuss about a 100 of them..
ibnu qayyim distilled them to about 10, knowing fully well that latter day muslims, may not have the tenacity of purpose to go beyond even 10.

if you can spare the time, do listen to all these pearls & gem.
this will change how you perceive this world forever.
you will get a phd !.......permanent head damage!

i will give you time, this time...ample time.

.....because we are going to  take a short break from tafseer here and insyaallah beginning 1st week of the new year we move on to surah al ma'arij.

for those of you guys who started on this journey with me on that fateful sunday 12th, 2012, with surah al fatihah follow by juz amma, we are just a few months away from 'qatamming' our tafseer.

alhamdullillah, insyaallah!
may i humbly wish you guys a new year full of taqwa and tranquility, insyaallah.

disregard petty issues.
we are still not yet greece, even though we are almost there once last year!...alhamdullillah.
be shukr and sabr.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Surah al Haaqqa, 69 .........3rd Discourse; Ustaz Shamsuri; Ayat 25-52

your excellency,

let us examine some unpalatable realities and statistics:

1st the unpalatable ones,
we are 70 %, going on to 75 % but only own slightly more than 20 %.
the other 30 % owns 80 %.
to make matters worse, we have 9 'august houses' working hand in glove with the rest of the 30 % , working against the 70 %,
to reduce further the 20 %!

now the good news,
we have just, by sheer luck and people power, booted off the most corrupt group of leaders  this side of the third world has ever known.
we are the process of re-strengthening back our weakened institutions.
feeble minded people, and there are many millions out there are making loud animal noises as to why ptpn is such and such; why ikan kembong is still rm 10 per kg; why toll is still there and going  up and up; and why gasoline at the petrol station is not coming down.
the ungrateful millions forgot that we were just 'inches' away from becoming a failed states like greece or argentina.

patik think we have to move on.
we have to move on beyond the narrow confine of petty party politics and sentiments.
we have to move on beyond tdm and dsai.
we muslims have to be a 'wee bit' collectively clever this time.

we do not want clowns like lks or some ramasamy from some kampong somewhere dictating us from behind the curtain.

we have to move on....unpalatable as it seemed.

and you guys need to behave as well.
you have to be with us.
if we sink , you guys will just be musuem pieces in museum negara.

we move on to one of my favourite ustaz , ustaz shamsuri, to close off surah al haaqqa.

nik howk

ustaz shamsuri hj ahmad, commentary ayat 25 to ayat 52,

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2:50          kuffar don't believe in  life after death.[ secular humanist, agnostic, atheists ]

                 ' depa tak pikiak ada hari pembalasan '

10:10        ' kita kalau nak ambil islam, kena ambil semua, tak bolih pick and choose '

14:30        ' send him to hell!! him no mercy! he is kuffar....he never has pity on the 
                  poor ..'

20:25         do the tahajjud; astagfirullah and taubat; be generous to the poor

                 ' jangan pikiak dua tiga kali '

26:10        ' .....cauldron of boiling inferno!...'

30:10       different levels of hadith......even hadith dhaif can still be used...

35:15        coccyx

41:10       ' Aku bersumpah dengan makluk yang pernah hang tengok , dan dengan yang

                 hang tak pernah tengok! .......bahawasanya qur'an itu adalah bacaan rasul yang 
                 karim............. '

45:20       some people think they can have a fresh 'relook and interpretation of the qur'an'.

               [ just look at what happened to tariq ramadan...........don't play play with the qur'an

               and under rate hundreds and thousand of transformed before you, even if you have 

               a phd or two from sorbonne or berkeley!  

               ........this is not what ustaz shamsuri discuss, this is just personal addition from me.
                there are liberal islamist element out there who think they know the ugama better
               eg sisters in islam; islamic rennasiance front ; elements from g25 ; etc etc and etc
      sincere advice to them all is : if you know very little of your ugama please
              shut up... you do not want to stay in the lowest cauldron of an nar for eternity ]

49:20      qur'an is haaqqul yakin....

51:30      ilmul yakin......ainul yakin.......haaqqul yakin.

55:50      fasahbih bismirabbikal azhim!!!

......................................   .    .       .           .                 .

kedahsyatan hari Mahsyar,
discourse by ustaz shamsuri hj ahmad.

[ part 1 ]

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[ part 2 ]

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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Surah al Haaqa, 69...........Preamble

"before embracing Islam one day I came out of my house with a view to causing trouble to the Holy Prophet, but he had entered the Masjid al-Haram before me. When I arrived I found that he was reciting surah Al-Haaqqah in the Prayer. I stood behind him and listened. As he recited the Qur'an I wondered at its literary charm and beauty. then suddenly an idea came to my mind that he must be a poet as the quraish alleged. just at that moment he recited the words: "This is the Word of an honorable Messenger: it is not the word of a poet." 

I said to myself: Then, he must be a soothsayer, if not a poet. 

thereupon be recited the words:"Nor is it the word of a soothsayer: little it is that you reflect. It is a Revelation from the Lord and Sustainer of the worlds." 

...on hearing this Islam entered deep into my heart." 

this tradition of sayyedina umar shows that this surah had been sent down long before his acceptance of Islam, for even after this event he did not believe for a long time, and he continued to be influenced in favor of Islam by different incidents from time to time, till at last in the house of his own sister he came by the experience that made him surrender and submit to the Faith completely.

recitation of the surah.

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COMMENTARY BY ustad nouman ali khan,

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if you want a longer discourse, follow shaykh jangdi,

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Before We Move On to Surah al Haaqqa, 69..........." On Death & Dying "

'my dear beloved'...

shaykh tawfique  chowdhury, on death.....

[   ]

.....sincerity of purpose
     amal upon the ilm you acquire,
     call people to this ugama.
     never let go this path: sabr against all adversities you face in this life.

on death and dying....from pearls & gem:

1. [  ]

2.  [  ]

3   [  ]


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Surah al Qalam, 68.............Shaykh abdul Nasir Jangda, Part 2

your excellency,

last week when your deputy went on with a very public admonition of the malays in their current confusion of meanings, patik was a wee bit put off.

in patik's minds your guys who are very much insulated by your august position and power lost a wonderful opportunity to appear relevant when a definitive 'prod' from you guys some three years ago when things was already awry , would have saved the malays [..and you guys as well ] from a lot of embarassment and torment.

'caesar' would have disappeared from the scene  by himself or otherwise brutus would have found the right kind of motivation to 'kill' him off.

but sunnatullah is sunnatullah!
if it was fated from on high this would not happened it would not happened!

never in patik's wildest dream and nightmare could patik envision that lim kit siang et al could now sit  back and be able to call the shots....and there they are now doing precisely that...
pkr is there one might say ..but what is pkr , at best  controlled by a band of socialist minded indian lawyers!

tdm is bersatu.
without tdm, all the still wet in between the ears guys will crumble.
pan? ....i have no comment.

we malays are thoroughly and utterly confused over meanings and substance!
all of us including you guys.

but today looking back at the pathetic goings on at dataran merdeka ....
yes indeed we malays are still thoroughly lost !

caesar and zahid, should have been kept in their 'holes or their caves'.
their very presence made the gathering quite nonsensical.
'they are now like anjing buruk kepala'
a major and massive embarassment to us all!

all these clowns and their associates including ringgit malaysia should be put behind bars asap 
and their ill gotten gain impounded to the max! asap!
if we have not had the rules and acts to do so, create them now!
caesar and apakahnamadiadah should not see the light of the day for the rest of their life beyond the walls of sungai buluh , fullstop!


if i were zahid or caesar, i would have by now find a hole or a cave somewhere to hide my shame and anguish over my wrongdoings!
and to see tghh going around like a mad chicken....tops up patik's heartburn.

[  corruption is not compatible with the ugama, tok guru!... kalu ambo kata tok guru  ni dah bengong  dan bodo, demo marah kat ambo! tapi memang tok guru ni dah jadi bengong dan bodo! high time to give way to people more dynamic and able to think straight. ]

putting all these clowns behind bars asap may even perhaps facilitate amenu to rehabilitate and renew itself sooner. 
otherwise it will remain a dinousaur and exctinct.
and what a pity.

yes your excellency, your deputy is right, after all.
his , is a very timely reminder. 
my most humblest apology to him.

let us move on in our tafseer masterclass with shaykh abdul nasir jangda's opening gambit on surah al qalam. 
the 1st discourse was just an intro.

surah al qalam is about sovereignty......absolute sovereignty that is.


nik howk

shaykh abdul nasir jangda, discourse part 2

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recitation by shaykh mishary rashid al afasy

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Friday, December 7, 2018

Surah al Qalam, 68..............A Most Beautiful Rendition ; Ayat 1 to Ayat 4

your excellency,

It is because he is possessed of wealth and children .
That, when Our revelations are recited unto him, he saith: Mere fables of the men of old. We shall brand him on his snout.

tansri abu jahal, datuk paduka abu lahab, toh puan hindon and tun soffian
they are not common people of makkah.
they were the shakers and movers of society.
they were the elites and 'royalties' in makkah of that time.....

he is a majnun!
he is a majnun!

But his Lord chose him and placed him among the righteous.  
And lo! those who disbelieve would fain disconcert thee with their eyes when they hear the Reminder, and they say: 
Lo! he is indeed majnun!
When it is naught else than a Reminder to creation. 

nik howk 

a most beautiful rendition,

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commentary and preface by shaykh abdul nasir jangda

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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Before We Move On To Surah al Qalam, 68......" Curing The Sick Heart ", Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim

your excellency,

And the Jews will not be pleased with thee, nor will the Christians, till thou follow their creed. Say: Lo! the guidance of Allah (Himself) is Guidance. And if thou shouldst follow their desires after the knowledge which hath come unto thee, then wouldst thou have from Allah no protecting friend nor helper. (120) Those unto whom We have given the Scripture, who read it with the right reading, those believe in it. And whoso disbelieveth in it, those are they who are the losers. (al baqarah,121)

there is this current move globally, energised by feminist oriented ngo's to set a definitive limit with respect to minimum age of marriage.

muslim dominated countries are also caught into this movement of change.
it is easy to rationalise and agree to this current movement.

to me i can see this coming from a thousand kilomeres away, some 5 years down the 'lane' :
'' you see my friend, your nabi is a paedophile! you yourselves agree to this! ".

i am not sure whether dsai , the substantive pm in waiting,or his mrs who is the minister for domestic and women affair can see this clearly. 
tdm, could not initially, but has been persuaded that it is not a popular move to ratify the limit.

on another horizon, we have ICERD looking over us.
it is an irritant.
the rest of the secular humanist world wish to 'draw lines in the sand'.
it is an incessant project of theirs.
the rest of the world must stick to SOP's and it has to be their SOP's, full stop.
if you dont, you run the possibility of being declared a pariah state one of these days...

it is easy to ratify ICERD etc and etc as well.
it is the politically correct thing to do, you might surmise.

i am not a 'royalist' but i am an 'islamist'.
we muslims are different from the rest.
....and we should remain different.

and  yet anoother  perceived ' human right ' inequities such as gender inequalities as perceived by the western secular minds, trouble us for decades:

'' if you can be a  jet fighter pilot. we also can!.... if you guys can have 2 shares  of the family heirloom, we should also be the same...etc etc and etc ''

we muslims the world over have lost our meanings...
we are caught as well in the swift current of change.

deep down our problem is , 'our hearts are collectively and globally sick! '
we are all sleep walking thru our ugama, and aping the west unreservedly.

it is not our eyes that are blind. our hearts are now like stones.
even stones  and rocks are better!
water flows out from some stones and rocks, mind you!


dr nik isahak wan abdullah

" curing the sick heart "
shaykh yahya ibrahim

[  ] is about the qur'an; the selawat on the nabi; servitude  and compassion to allah's creation; as sadaqah;  & attachment to the infirmed, the poor and the yatim; lack of honour and takzim to symbols  and sanctity of the ugama.......honour the masjid, the hijab, the jubah etc etc and etc.

10:00        attachment to the qur'an as a first prerequisite.

25:30        doa and selawat to the prophet

29:00        only doa and selawat on the prophet always...'much much better' suffice 
                  all your needs.

59:10         who your friends are?

1:02:00     all things halal....

1:04:10      as sadaqah

1:08:10      '' i look to the summer when the days are long and hot....i look to the winter when
                    the nights are long and cold...". subdue your hearts with humbling occupations
                    and pre-occupations.

1:13:20       visit the sick, the infirmed, the poor, the  and subdue your hearts to 
                    to doing humble things.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Surah al Mulk, 67............2nd & Final Discourse

friends, dato and tanseri,

Say: Have ye thought: If (all) your water were to disappear into the earth, who then could bring you gushing water? (30)

let us just put aside the all important water and allah's  wrath for the time being..

just if  feeble minded, mad man trump, wakes up one day on the wrong side of the his bed and decides to arm the wrong 2 % of malaysians, we will be in worse shape than syria!

not yet about the earth's water table drying up on all of us!
just about a feeble minded american president doing the wrong things only.


dr nik isahak

2nd discourse.

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2:20         the bottom most in the an nar heap will be the false scholars; millionaires and              billionaires who give to charity for show; people who do 'jihad' for valour and other                    values and not for allah.

7:26         ' i know why i am here bru!....'

10:10       prof!  it is better to be a pak mat nyadap who prays than a scholar who does not!

15:00       have you seen someone who make their desires their god? law of diminishing return.

18:10       dato, when your last breath has reached your 'halkum' there is no more place for        taubat

25:25        a little bit of knowledge is worse than no knowledge at all..........pak mat nyadap of kuala ketil prays without fail, has alomost no knowledge of his ugama. 
a social scientist i know who is about my age of 3 scores and  six, wanted to take up the french language at this current age. 
she is a linguist.  when i intimated to her she could improve herself by learning qur'anic arabic, she pointedly point blank fired back to me that she would not waste her time on the                      language. she already knows, "i know my ugama from abdullah yusuf ali. that is adequate,doc!"
tafseer of course is not in her vocab.....

27:00        your ibadah does not qualify you for open the possibility of allah's mercy
on you.

30:00        islam; iman; and ihsan..........'witnessing'

32:20        ' no! you are my sahabat....... the ones who earn my yearning are the ahbab are the ones who follow me even when they are far removed from my time "

43:00       HE is al Latiff, al Qabir....

54:10       the whole universe to the kursi of allah [ 'foot stool' , with accent on the "..... " lest        some purists lurking out there shoot me down ], is like a ring in the desert. 
the kursi of the arash to the arash is like another ring in the desert!

1:00:10    on '1mdb', corruption and the difficulties we are facing.........a punishment from allah.

1:15:00     the timelessness of the qur'an transcends time, space and person.....

recitation of surah,

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tok guru nik aziz revisited

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" kalu mung lo ning pikir mung ning doh gedebe sangat dah, tak mahu ikut undang2 aku, tak mahu ikut shariah aku, mung pergi cari bumi mung sendiri, buat undang2 mung sendiri! "
