Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Islam & Democracy

I can still remember Bung Karno of Indonesia way back in the 60's when asked about the system of governance stated confidently that Indonesia was 'guided by the  principle of 'pancasila' and is democratic, guided democracy, Indonesian stlye', he said. From there Indonesia floated into the Suharto era and the post Suharto era. Their 'democracy' has slowly evolved. It is neither 'Westminster' nor is it 'American' or French type of democracy. It is still 'Indonesian'. alhamdullillah!

Some argue that democracy can never coexist with Islam because they are both direct opposite. These people  see the world in only 'black and white'. There is no shade of grey.
Islam is 'God-centred and democracy is 'mob centred'. If the 'mob' thinks it right for men and men to get married then it is alright for men and men to get married'. If 'homophobia is wrong' , then 'homophobia is wrong'. If the French on the whole think it is alright to 'rubbish' Muhammad it is alright and so on and so forth.........all within the ambit of democracy and free speech.

Here we have two opposing  perspective on Islam and democracy and the way forward for the West and the Muslim world to coalesce peacefully without being lost in semantics and definitions.

We have two speakers here, Abdur Raheem Green, I can still remember him in the early 80's , a prominent speaker for Islam at the world famous 'Speakers Corner' in Hyde Park.That is my favourite place in London when I was a Londoner. He does not mince words and I like him.
Prof Tariq Ramadan, debonair theologian and thinker, fully Europeanised grandson of Hasan al Bana, founder of The Muslim Brotherhood. His Muslim critics say he 'apologise' too much. His European hecklers demanded that he 'gives' too little and is a'wolf' in grandmother's clothing.

Listen, to two different poles........on the same subject.

Abdur Raheem Green on Democracy vs Islam

Tariq Ramadan, on Islam and democracy

...and this one is not 'democracy, but related to 'inner democracy',

My perception is , at the end of the day, if we are 1.5 billions and still growing, do we need to change and apologise? We should not be lost in semantics and other people's perception of what we should be.We just need to move on and disregard the' noises' and 'din' around us. That is what Prof TJ Winter is suggesting in his recent lecture in Cambridge.......not quite on the subject of democracy but quite related, INWARD DEMOCRACY.....WE JUST MOVE ON, we still have what the rest of the world don't and still mucking around and searching, they are in complete state of loss.......We still have the TRUTH. We better live it, A LIFE OF OUTWARD SOBRIETY  AND INNER INTOXICATION'. very Cambridge type of lecture.....but brilliant if you can listen to it and think.

Prof TJ Winter, on Living with Ourselves

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