Saturday, August 12, 2017

Surah Ghafir.........ayat 33, 34, 35, and 36

[ part 1 of ayat 33  ]

friends, dato and friends,

to have doubt is fitrah.
in fact for some it is healthy because faith is not about blind following.
read, travel, listen and reexamine yourself.
to remain in doubt for long is however calamity.
if you are in your late 40's, 50's , 60's and for some, even in their 70's, and are still in doubt, you are in deep 'shit', my friends!

no one can help you there except allah, if HE wills.

great people like yusuf estes, hamza yusuf, cat steven aka yusuf islam, hussien yee, suhaib webb, shaykh khalid,muhammad ali, timothy winter aka abdal hakim murad , and millions others throughout history of men.........all started with doubt early in their lives.

islam was not their birth right. 
they searched their souls in their youth.
then reverted back to islam in their youth and have never looked back.
they become substantive muslims.

[  part 2 of ayat 34   ]

being a child of the early fifties i remember vividly in primary one watching  a cheap matinee of cecil b mille's epic ' ten commandments', at panggung lido, kota bharu, staring yul bryner as ramses, anne baxter as his favourite wife, asiah binti muzahim [ a 'closet' mukminat, and one of the very few named ladies, mentioned by nabi, reserved for jannatul firdaus ], and mosses played by a dashing  and handsome, still young, charlton heston. 

on hindsight, islam must have already thrived in egypt even during pharaoh's time, to have sayyiditina asiah and mu'min around the 'scene'.

the film left a permanent imprint to my young mind then, compounded by my later reading in egyptology.
both gave me the wrong impression that egypt  during and before ramses's time was all kufr.

but wait!
we almost forget that another great prophet predated moses  for several centuries: nabi yusuf.
egypt was already 'very islam' long before moses.
during nabi yusuf's time [ he was finance minister ], islam must have flourished in egypt.
by the time of moses and pharaoh, egypt was almost entirely 'secular'.

let us ponder on our present circumstances now, in this 21st century.

in our present day heedlessness,
are we now 'egypt of moses time' or 'egypt of nabi yusuf's time'  ??
THINK and ponder
[  part 1 ayat 35 to ayat 36  ]

there is no more moses, yusuf or muhammad.
no more moses to cut the sea asunder
no muhammad to lead you by the hand.

we have only ulama', and they are at the bottom league of 'scale of animals', in the eyes amongst present day so called muslims.
everything that ulama' do or decide or deliberate, there will be clowns somewhere appearing like coackroaches, from the wood work,making 'animal noises', showing disagreement.
some clowns want the ulama or muftis to discuss with them first before coming out with any fatwas!
that is the degree of depravity , lack of knowledge and lack of respect that we are in now.
no adab, these people.

in the cycles of centuries and millineums, faith also waxes and wane.
in the sand of  time, islam has been there since adam to g25 and the likes of puan siti kasim and dr amina wadud etc and etc, just to name a few.
it ossilates in the hearts of men between pure faith to secularism, to agnosticiam and obscurantism.
it will continue this way till the end of time.
this is sunnatullah.

to allah, milleniums are just a' blink of the eye'.

for us now the next time you know, it is the sound of the horn.
even if we are spared that doomsday scenario, 'man rabbuka!', is already curtain for us all.
the end of our very own universe.

then the meeting at al kauthar....if we are 'lucky'

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