Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Before We Move On to Surah at Talaq, 65........on zikr, zikr, zikr & yet more zikr......

friends, dato and tanseri,

let us get up several planes beyond our usual plane of thought, get well beyond our comfort zone, into the stratospheric zone of the tassawuf shaykh.
dwell into his mind and stay there a moment , a brief  quintessential moment.

let us first start with basic, with what i lovingly call the 'school prefect's take on zikrullah.

strong footing , albeit a wee bit blinkered, dry and 'sanitized', and 'safe', if safety is uppermost in your mind!

ustaz dr abdul basit, hails from kota bharu.
he is not a tassawuf sheikh. far from it
he sounds like a daie polishing and  receiving his education either from madinah, makkah or jordan. definitely not the typical post pondok going on  to al ghazalian/azhari-an egypt  type of variety.

he belongs to the same group as ustaz dr abdullah yasin, dr fathul bari, dr maza, dr rozaimi, ustaz rasul dahri dan mereka2 yang sewaktu dengan nya et al.......

but he suffice for our introductory discourse on zikr.
he set up the necessary 'boundaries' of what is known and what are 'ranting' and ijtihad ulama'.

their narrow and straight jacketing of issues related to ugama are not my cup of tea i must confess, but they are ok.
in my book, they are the 'school prefects', in their orientation and leanings.

[  ]

now, you can just stop here.

you are ok.
in life, if one chooses to be a sparrow, and it is 100 % safe to be a sparrow, be a sparrow.

but if you want to soar higher, you must make an attempt to be a  'majnun'.
or at least make friend with a 'majnun'

let us to listen to one of them.
let us  give an hour to shaykh al yacoubi, originally from syria, a tok guru of sacred knowledge, a ' lover ', a 'majnun' .

only majnun knows laila.
the rest think they know laila, but they are just dreaming!
bereft of  passion , one cannot even get up close to laila, let alone know her!

[   ]

if you are ok with shaykh al yacoubi, let us move on further to shaykh ninowy of atlanta, usa.
another ' majnun '. 
he belongs to the qadiri/shadhili/ninowy tariqat.
it has it's 'zawiyah' mainly in london, atlanta, cape town and as of last year i think somewhere in KL. 
the shaykh is not unfamiliar with KL as he is a regular figure  on tv al hijrah

his discourse is about 'presence' and stations of zikr.
one or two planes higher, we go up...let us soar like an eagle!

[   ]

now we come back  to 'earth',  to kuala lumpur.

currently now inundated by gory 'trials and tribulation of the insane', of you know whom.

for most though, back to the rigours and hardship of daily living and  for some, dying!

i must say , as a regular bloke, i have friends who are also fairly regular like me.
we lead mainly 'secular lives' mostly and and our lives revolve mostly around our work.
doctors are like that .

we work hard. we love all our patients. we try to bring up our children the best we can and we try to pay our taxes on time.

with respect to taxes, just yesterday i received a 'dirty letter' from lhdn to pay more taxes.
in this post najib financial fiasco era, lhdn scrutinise every bit and pieces and try to squeeze where they can. 
me and my colleauges we know we were being squeezed but we will help where we can, insyaallah!

we 'live' around our profession with little time left for other things.

i count myself blessed to have crossed the path of two good friends,  the late dr sabri rejab and dr fred, both now long departed, both in the realm of the BELOVED.

my 'good byes' to them revolved around zikr.
i must share these with you guys, and i know you all have 'read' this before but it would not harm to go thru them again.....

we are after all creatures of ghaflah, creatures that forget easily.

my good friend, dr sabri rejab in memorium,
[   ]

visiting fred......  ]

your sincerely

dr nik isahak wan abdullah

“Come, come, whoever you are. 

Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. 

It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. 

come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. 

Come, yet again , come , come.”


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