Saturday, January 19, 2019

Before We Move On to Surah al Muzammil, 73.........On Zikr Using Asma al Husna; Solat Hajat & Virtues of Istagfirullah....

friends, dato and tanseri,

before we move on to surah al muzammil let us make a brief stopover at a pesantren in downtown jakarta....have a peep at up and coming ustaz, ustaz adi adiyat and also ustad abdul somad.

ustaz adiyat had his early education in several pesantren in indonesia and after his degree in islamic study locally , later went on to libya to study under several luminous figures there.

let us pick his 'brain' and wisdom on several issues pertaining to asma al husna, solat hajat and istigfar.

these constitute  'ranting' and 'branch' issues in the ugama along with issues such as maulid, 'talkin', tahlil etc etc and etc, but take prominence in our bumi malaysia due to our relative overall ignorance in our ugama and also the bludgeoning number of graduates from the nedj peninsula and also jordan who are more schooled in the fundamentalist approach to the ugama.
these people choose to go around with blinkers and wanted  the rest to follow them as well

the great majority of our ustaz however come from the pondok- indian subcontinent route and later in their education got 'washed' up in the azhari school in egypt.

they constitute the mainstream and are in control of jakim etc etc and etc., the controlling body of 'ugama' administration in the country. they are generally older and thus less internet savvy, but their leverage over the ummah are the suraus, masjid and madrasah. 
jakim controls all these.

i choose ustaz adi adiyat here because he was initially from the pesantren, then joined the salafiyah schools in jakarta  and later went on to libya to polish off his education.
thus he has a balance view of the issues involved.

we close off with ustaz as somad, also of indonesia whom i like for his wise attitude towards branch issues in our din, or what we term as 'benda2 khalifiah ulama'.
ustaz somad is of the sunni-maturidi-shafei--azhari school and it is interesting how he gauge ustaz adi adiyat, despite their obvious difference in  orientation.

follow his short discourse as well on jemaah tabligh whom the rest of the daawah flocks generally looks down and consider lower in the 'animal scale of things'.


in life we can of course go around with blinkers  and join the 'wahabis' if we choose to, i call them 'school prefects'.
but  personally i 'condong' towards the 'lovers'
life is much sweeter and kinder. wake in the wee hours of the morning and whisper 'sweet nothings' day in and day out when the rest of the world are sleeping, all the rules and regulation of the ugama you may know, but to push you forward you need 'love'.
the 'wahabis' ore generally not 'professors of love', in my humble estimation.
at best they are overglorified 'school prefects' who are able to commit to memory a few hundred more selected hadiths of their choice over socalled 'morons like me and you'

beside this, i do not enjoy going thru life saying, "this is bidaah, that is bidaah and that my friend is also bidaaah".
i love to hear dr maza the mufti from wang kelian a lot  but he and his men are overdoing the 'bidaah ' thing.

let us listen to both ustaz adi adiyat and ustaz abdul somad.
a long discussion but great education for us 'newbies'.


dr nik howk

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