Monday, September 3, 2018

Before We Move On To Surah al Munafikun, 63.........Ustad Abdul Somad and T J Winter on Tassawuf

friends, dato and tanseri,

we have just gone through ibnu qayyin's descriptive and spiritually tintillating  journey of a suluk through his 'madarij as salilkin' . ibnu qayyim is a 14th century mujaddid

his 10 stations, enumerated beautifully by prof ovamir anjum  in our earlir discourse,, was a truncated version of an earlier ulama, at least three centuries earlier, an afghan reformer by the name of abu ismail al harawi al ansari in his long thesis, manazil as sairin.

in this slot, at the obvious risk of raising eyebrows and inuendos from amongst my good friends and old classmates from my malay college days, who in the main have enveloped the 'salafi' school.

it is trendy nowadays to be an adherrent of dr rozaimi or ustaz rasul dahri or dr maza, dr abdullah yasin etc etc. 
in fact i notice lately this trend has even creep into my own immediate family.
and i do not insist that this is fundamentally wrong except some of this people can enjoy the din better if they open up to the rest.
that is a personal view of course.

taking into the view that tassawuf and sufism can invoke negative feeling in some who somewhat choose  to move around in blinkers , who went along with the mistaken notion that their later day 'tok gurus' have the monopoly of knowledge, and the methodology to knowledge, beyond thousands of other earlier luminaries throughout 14 centuries of islam.

their tok gurus; muhammad ibnu abdul wahab [1703-1792 ], ibnu qayyim [14th century ] and the doyen of the two tok guru, ibnu taimiyah [ 1263-1328 ], are adequate . 

the methodology, the scholarship and zuhudness of only these three ulama are correct......
the rest, and we are speaking of thousands of them, even 3 to 4 centuries more senior , are all wrong!
they can go and fly kites!

may i suggest to them  to just take off that blinkers for a moment and now let us cross over the java strait and join ustad abdul somad's discourse on tassawuf

.....and if you are still awake and with me, let us take a flight to the uk, go up several planes above ourselves, and join the rarefied atmosphere in cambridge to listen to the scintillating views of dr t.j winter on the same subject/
a wee bit long though :

[   ]

if one still must insist one is a 'salafi' and the rest can go and fly kites, it is ok.
islam is a spectrum.
there are levels and levels in faith.
to each , his own.

dr nik isahak wan abdullah

quotable quotes:

'we are too busy wanting, we forget what we already have'.........

'allah give me this , give me that , give me name is gimme'

'we already have a ticket to paradise, the soul knows the departure date, but we are not yet packing for the journey!'

'your capital is your time.....what are you doing with your capital to get you to paradise'

'we need to improve our connections with heavenly reality'

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