Saturday, July 6, 2013

Surah Al Ahzab [ The Confederates ], Munafikun [ The Hypocrites ]

friends, dato and tansri,

ayat 12 to 20 are important.
the prototypes and variations of the hypocrites are discussed.
you have a choice of listening to tuan guru haji hadi [ malay 'teganung' ] or mufti waseem khan [ english ]

in rasullallah's time they can be a slippery and difficult lot to differentiate : they can be his partners in prayers, in zakat and in general public life but gave all kind of excuses when come to war and the risk of  lost of life and limbs.

in our time they are pretty much obvious.....they still do the umrah, the haj , the zakat and even the prayers.
but they bury themselves as 'liberal islamists,'progressive islamists'; occasionally give public lectures; and very much in the public sphere and given ample space and time by the lay 'secular' media and press locally ;...... and very much against muftis and ulama'.
international western ngo's support them to the hilt and they attend international conferences all the time and given accolade and attention.
if they are females, they become internationally reknown as champion of 'the islam that the west wants'.

they think ulama and scholars know nuts!
mention 'hudud' and they go beserk and have 'epileptic fits'.

one tan sri asked for champagne the moment he arrived in jeddah after the haj.
another whom i know asks me to prove god exist....'and doc, don't bring in the craps in the qur'an and hadith please!'

and they think  they are muslim par excellence!!!!
in 2016, it is important that we label them in the right slot, to reduce public confusion

dr nik


Tafseer Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang [ Malay, 'teganung'],

ayat 12 -20 :

part 1

part 2

part 3

[ 'kalau kita miskin sebab islam, baik; kalau kita mati sebab islam , baik, kalau kita bangkrup sebab islam, baik, kalau kita gagal sebab islam,baik ]

part 4

[ on Abdullah bin Ubay et al ]


Mufti Waseem Khan: ayat 12 to 20
[ English ]

Part 6 :

Part 7 :

Part 8 :