Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Surah as Saffat.........Shaykh Tawfique Chowdhury, commentary part 1.

[  shaykh tawfique chowdhury, commentary part 1.  ]

friends, dato and tansri,

i had a high level 'tiff' with someone 'high up' and 'untouchable' some years back.
i prayed hajat daily for 4 months  even during the whole of ramadan  that year, and finally  at just after mid night, one fine day, i had an unexpected personal call on my hp from another 'untouchable'.

'pucuk di cita, ulam mendatang!'

lo and behold...the issue was 'settled ' in the best way possible rather overwhelmingly conclusive, by YA LATIFF on the equestrian playing field of  bidong, teganu.
the gory details will not be revealed here of course!

the most subtle one,
the most soft,
the one who connects all the dots.
the one who changes hearts,[ ya mukalibal qulub...]
the one who changes parameters on the ground.
oh !...the one in total control..........

my personal experience  of the inner workings and secret of YA LATIFF is nothing compared to the muslims of makkah who were at the wrong end of the stick from the quraish of makkah.
their resilence was tested more.
their prayers answered 15 years later!

YA Latiff, in HIS ultimate wisdom answered their prayers after 15 long years!

on that fateful day, makkah gave way without a fight.
nabi entered makkah on his camel, his head bowed down almost touching his saddle in prayer and shukr, not the typical proud posture of some one in victory.

several centuries later the muslims ummah lost jerusalem to the crusaders.
their prayers were answered only after some 91 years later with the victory by salahudin al ayyubi.

prayers and doa are always answered by allah.
it is just always a matter of timing.
oftentimes it is answered in jannah.
more often than not, a NO, is the right answer.
the request is deemed inappropriate

which reminded me to a well known oral tradition of the nabi about a poor sahabat who persisted in asking nabi [ pbuh ] to doa for his prosperity.
the sahabat was a poor  sherperd.
nabi avoided his requests mant times.
but due to his persistence , nabi  finally conceded and did doa for his prosperity.

lo and behold, the sahabat's herd of goats and sheep increased tremendously.
he had to go further and further away from his local surau and masjid and 'kampong'.
missing a lot of congregational prayers at the surau initially, later not attending at all.

he be came a wealthy herder during nabi's time and the zakat over his herd became substantive, that out of greed, he did not pay zakat in the right amount to the point nabi directed his  zakat official' to stop zakat collection  from him.

during calip abu bakr's time, he did not collect zakat from this chap in respect of nabi's sop.
during caliph's umar time, umar also carried the same policy.

the poor simple sherperd, over time became a wealthy corporate man, but in the process behaved like qarun....proud, haugthy and ghaflah.
he ended up a miserable soul.
a case of inappropriate doa.

ya latif , 'the most subtle one ', actuates one man's rezeki according to HIS knowledge.
oftentimes, when our doa is inappropriate with our character and inherent wisdom or lack of it , the answer is NO.

what a digression.
now let us enjoy shaykh tawfique chowdhury's commentary on the opening gambit of surah as saffat, part 1

dr nik
'the sanctuary'
pantai telaga papan

[ qari shaykh mishary rashid al afasy  ]

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